Young Entrepreneurs

Young Entrepreneurs
After playing basketball, the Kansas Flight team poses with their new shirts from Ascendecy clothing, created by senior Corey Daniels. photo courtesy of Corey Daniels

During the high school experience, students often start looking for jobs, but others create their own. Several students at Kapaun Mt. Carmel have started businesses as a way to earn money. They use their talents to make a profit, gain independence and improve their skills.
One student, senior Corey Daniels, started Ascendency, a company that sells T-shirts and encourages customers to surpass their expectations.
'€œI started my business to spread a message,'€ Daniels said. 'Whenever you wear [Ascendency] shirts, those limits that you set for yourself, we want you to ascend those limits. Don'€™t let those [limits] stop you from doing what you want to do.'
Not only does Daniels'€™s company inspire others to be great, but his creativity grows as he discovers what inspires him.
"I like to go back to old-fashioned trends from the 1990s and 2000s, and I like to incorporate them into my designs,' Daniels said. '€œThat was always what I was into, just old-fashioned, and I took inspiration from that.'
Junior Christian Bentley started a business which offers multiple services. He mentioned the additional benefits of self-employment.
'I didn'€™t want a typical job and wanted to be my own boss,'€ Bentley said. '€œThis allowed me to manage my own hours and produce a higher income than a typical job. I own a business called Wash Bros ICT, which consists of pressure washing, window washing and lawn care.'
Bentley has become a successful business owner, which allows him to work his preferred hours and desired salary.
For other students, their businesses stemmed from a hobby they are passionate about.
'€œI created on Instagram back in 2022,'€ junior business owner Gabby Kinman said. 'At the time I was 14 and simply posted sketches and artwork that I was creating at the time for fun. This summer I had the thought of creating art pieces that are customized to customers. I began brainstorming different things such as interests, doodles and color schemes that could be tailored to individuals through a creative art piece.'
Kinman created a thriving business, but not without some obstacles along the way. She learned to work with her customers by communicating professionally to produce the best quality product for them.
'After posting my first custom order, I received an overwhelming amount of support from the Wichita community,'€ Kinman said. 'œI was flooded with orders for custom canvases. My biggest challenge was the first week where I was overwhelmed with orders. I was caught up in the thought of getting art to the customer as soon as possible. As business got busy, informing customers about my waitlist and approximately how much time it would take for me to begin their art was key.'€
Starting a business may seem daunting, but Daniels said anyone interested should take the opportunity when it is available.
'I say just get started because procrastinating about getting started is hard, but just get started,' Daniels said. “The process becomes easier once you take that leap to do what you want. The process becomes way easier.”
Bentley also had advice for new entrepreneurs.
'€œAdvice I would give to a new business owner is to create connections and network with other businesses or business owners and always trust your instincts,'€ Bentley said.
Kinman encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to be prepared for the effort required in owning a business.
'œFor anybody that wants to start a business of any sort, you are the only one that can make it happen,'€ Kinman said. '€œIt does take lots of time and effort so be ready to carve it out of your schedule. It is a responsibility, like a job where you must show up for your shift. No matter what kind of business it is, be creative with it. One must stay organized and be willing to sacrifice your time for your business because it is yours.'