Make this Lent count
By: Gabby McDonald
Lent, the time when Catholics are called to prepare for the coming of the Lord at Easter, is slowly approaching. Many Kapaun Mt. Carmel students are considering how to make their Lent meaningful through promises and new habits. Some will give up their favorite food, say a daily rosary or attend morning mass. Although Lenten promises will vary, the Church recommends three elements to grow closer to the Lord: fasting, almsgiving and prayer.
The first of these elements , fasting, is an integral part of Lent. Fasting allows Catholics to practice self-discipline and sacrifice before celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. When deciding to fast for Lent, one must first figure out what is hindering their relationship with the Lord. For most teenagers, this would be screen time. Thus, limiting phone usage would allow for more time to be spent in prayer and reflection. Ultimately, anything that keeps you from Christ should be given up. This could vary from decreasing the amount of Starbucks visits to practicing moderation with your favorite TV series.
Another element, almsgiving, is defined as the practice of providing food or money to those in need. However, almsgiving can be practiced within one’s own home, since monetary donation may be unrealistic for teens.
Instead, they can look to other options to practice almsgiving. This could include assisting a younger sibling with homework, helping parents with household chores or babysitting at no charge. Almsgiving can be practiced in so many ways beyond monetary donation. It is one of the best practices for growing closer to the Lord, as you imitate Christ’s selfless example.
Last but not least, is prayer. Prayer is just as important as fasting or almsgiving during Lent. Because of this, KMC chaplain Fr. Seth Arnold recommends practicing prayer and fasting together. For example, limit listening to music on your way to school and replace that time with a rosary. When you give something up, particularly something that is not food, replace it with prayer. By praying consistently, you are sure to notice how it will benefit your relationship with Christ.
Opportunities to grow closer to the Lord this Lent abound. Whether you remove a distraction or create a healthy habit, Lenten promises are a sure way to prepare for Easter. Make this Lent count by practicing fasting, prayer and almsgiving.